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Whole Wheat Rolls

Prep Time:

overnight proof, 20 minute baking

Cook Time:

20 minutes





About the Recipe


Natural bread flour, water, organic whole wheat flour, EVOO, cane sugar, sea salt, yeast


You need at least 10-12 hours for the dinner rolls to proof, either proof overnight to bake the next morning or proof during the day to bake before dinner.

Pull rolls from the freezer and place them on the counter or cold oven. Rolls need to double to triple in size.

1.     Place the pan in a cooled oven for proofing. This is the most consistent environment.

2.     After 10-12 hours of proofing the rolls should have doubled to tripled in size. If they have not, proof longer. The tops of the rolls should be just below the top edge.

3.     Remove from the oven. Take off the plastic cover before baking.

4.     Preheat oven to 400F.

5.     Rolls can either be egg washed before baking, but are just fine without. Either way be gentle when handling them.

6.     Bake for 20+ minutes. Each oven is different, so add or subtract time as needed. Rolls are done when they are a deep brown color.

7.     Remove from oven and let rest for at least 15 minutes before eating.

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